Clean Up Your Tech 2022
April 2022
Running a successful business almost always entails accumulating an enormous number of large files that take up space on your hard drive, which impedes your system’s ability to function at full speed and capability. Keep reading to find out how to detect what is clogging up space on your hard drive and some ways to clear that space up!
- TreeSize Free
- To see how to use this feature to locate large files on your Windows system, click here
- Disk Cleanup Tool
- Available for Windows 10
- Search for Disk Cleanup in the taskbar, select the drive you would like to cleanse. Finally, select the file type from that drive that you would like to clear out and select OK
- Finder
- Click on Finder on your desktop and click the settings icon. From the dropdown menu, select Arrange By > Size. This will sort your files based on size (largest on top)
- TIP: Store photos in iCloud as opposed to iPhoto so that your computer will not be slowed down
- TIP: Empty your trash AFTER deleting files. If you do not do this, the files will still be taking up space on your computer
There are many ways of organizing your files. Here are some ways to generally maximize and preserve your hard drive space
- Back up all files to the cloud or external hard drive on a regular basis. This will enable you to clear up space on your hard drive and keep it running efficiently.
- Create a temporary folder with files that you think will be short-term. Regularly evaluate and clear out files that are no longer of use to you or your organization.
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(914) 242-3212 or email us at
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