Don’t be Held at Ransom
June 7, 2021
There is a lot in the news these days about ransomware, but do you know what it is and what harm it can do to your business? This does not just affect large organizations, but can be crippling to smaller organizations as well. We have seen businesses get hit multiple times in a given month with ransomware attacks, but able to recover quickly when the correct tools are in place.
Ransomware makes server data and programs unavailable. Without the proper security, business continuity and disaster recovery solutions in place, businesses who fall victim to ransomware could be facing many days of costly downtime to rebuild the entire server and domain as well as reconfigure all workstations on the network.
Ransomware is a serious threat, and we have the proper tools to defend your organization. Take our advice and protect your business with the security services offered by Right Click Solutions.
To learn more about ransomware and how it can affect your business, please view the two short videos below.
For more information on services that Right Click Solutions offers, don’t hesitate to call us at (914) 242-3212 or email us at
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