Get Started with Datto’s Essential Cybersecurity Toolkit
October 2022
Today’s data threats don’t discriminate; businesses of all sizes are susceptible to attacks. However, small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are often less prepared to deal with security threats than their larger counterparts. The reasons for this vary from business to business, but ultimately it comes down to the fact that SMBs often have less resources to devote to cybersecurity efforts.
Right Click Solutions has partnered with Datto for mission-critical business continuity and disaster recovery, networking, business management, and file backup and sync solutions for our clients. Datto’s toolset protects our clients from the latest cyber threats and their expertise allows us to inform our customers of the essential solutions designed to help today’s businesses defend against and recover from a cybersecurity incident.
Get started by using this Cybersecurity Checklist to be sure your critical business data is protected:
- Conduct a security risk assessment.
- Train your employees
- Protect your network and devices
- Keep software up to date
- Create straightforward cybersecurity policies.
- Back up your data.
- Enable uptime.
- Know where your data resides
- Control access to computers
Click here to read the full toolkit with practical advice and easy tips for training employees on cybersecurity and industry best practices with real-world examples. There has never been a better time for this guide!
For more information, contact us at (914) 242-3212 or email us at
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