Important Announcement from Detective Roxie & Agent Piper about the dangers of the Dark Web

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Important Announcement from Detective Roxie & Agent Piper about the dangers of the Dark Web

August 2022

Right Click Solutions IT Westchester 2022

This month, Chief Cyber Chip Dog has tasked Detective Roxie and Agent Piper with the important mission to inform our clients of the dangers of the Dark Web.

The Dark Web is the World Wide Web content that exists on darknets: overlay networks that use the Internet but require specific software, configurations, or authorization to access.  You cannot get to the Dark Web using traditional internet browsers.  Much of the activity on the Dark Web is illegal because navigation is anonymous and private.

Digital credentials, such as usernames and passwords, connect you and your employees to critical business applications, as well as online services. Unfortunately, criminals know this — and that’s why digital credentials are among the most valuable assets found on the Dark Web. Login credentials are sold to nefarious actors who use them to exploit you or your business.

Right Click Solutions offers Dark Web Monitoring Services for organizations to protect their business from the perils of the Dark Web.

Dark Web Monitoring alerts us to organizational domain compromises so that we can work with our customers on taking mitigating action to prevent a breach.  We understand that the knowledge of a Dark Web compromise gives our client a big advantage over being victimized by a cyber-criminal.  At the time a compromise is detected, preventative and mitigating action is the best defense to protect you and your business from cyber threats.


For more information or a Free Dark Web scan,
contact us at (914) 242-3212 or email us at


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